Recent Victories
Don’t ever believe someone who tells you something can’t be done. What they mean is that they don’t have the fortitude to change something or the will power to accomplish something great. Click below to learn more….
IP & Internet Law
Internet Law is a new and emerging field of law that closely parallels Intellectual Property Law. An online presence and a solid reputation are essential to any successful business. This firm can help you prosecute and protect your rights online.
Commercial Litigation
In the highly contentious business environment lawsuits are sometimes necessary, which is why it is important that you are armed with the best possible lawyers on your side. The Shrayer Law Firm is comprised of experienced litigators.

Class Actions
The Shrayer Law Firm works with plaintiffs who have been injured by major corporations. Sometimes, so many people have been injured by a corporation that the best way to address the harm is a class action lawsuit.

Florida Supreme Court Rolls Back the Clock on the Economic Loss Rule
The Florida Supreme Court just rolled back the clock on the Economic Loss Rule (ELR) in Tiara Condominium Assoc., Inc. v. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., 38 Fla. L. Weekly S151a (Fla. March 7, 2013), holding that the ELR only applies in Products Liability Cases. Over the years, civil defense lawyers have been quick to []
Map address
Conveniently located next to the Federal Courthouse in Downtown Ft. Lauderdale. All parking is complimentary, just make sure to get your ticket validated by a member of our staff.
Also available for consultations at the following locations. Please call in advance for availability.